If you're concerned about social interaction during the coronavirus outbreak, we offer video counseling and teletherapy from the comfort of home. Please click here to learn more.

Benefits of Online Therapy from Home

As technology continues to innovate and connect people seamlessly via smartphones, tablets, and laptops, it has become easier to get help for emotional/psychological problems. The advent of online therapy from the comfort and security of home allows trained psychotherapists to assist clients regardless of their physical location. All that’s [...]

2023-11-08T01:08:56-05:00By |

Tips for Reducing Worry

Worry zaps precious energy and motivates us to act against our best interests.  When worry takes hold, our mental filter becomes clouded.  Our mental filter allows our brains, when properly activated, to focus on relevant life-sustaining tasks and growth-seeking opportunities.  When clouded, our mental filter negates what’s truly relevant [...]

2023-11-08T01:08:57-05:00By |

Road to Recovery: A Journey to Mental Wellness​​​​​​​

Hello everyone, I’d like to introduce to you Dariusz, a former client of mine, who wanted to share this inspiring and heartfelt letter with my readers: I’ve struggled with anxiety for many years, which fueled my addiction to pain pills. They made my anxiety diminish, and helped me feel more [...]

2023-11-08T01:08:59-05:00By |

Interoceptive Exposure For Treating Anxiety

Anxiety and worry are twins.  They both refer to one’s personal anticipation of a negative outcome.  They are based on thoughts and beliefs related to events past, present and future.  They are rooted in past experiences of perceived failure or lack of mastery, which continue to cause emotional and [...]

2023-11-08T01:09:00-05:00By |

Recovery From Anxiety and Depression

Too often, people take mistakes as a sign of personal failure.  This core belief often comes from messages acquired from family of origin during one's formative years, as well as traumatic or distressing experiences. One then carries these messages through later life, impacting our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Coming [...]

2023-11-08T01:09:01-05:00By |