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Does a Psychotherapist Treat Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders are the most frequently diagnosed mental health conditions throughout the United States. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, roughly 40 million American citizens over the age of 18 have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder of some type. This equates to over 18 percent [...]

Are Anxiety Disorders Rising Because of COVID-19?

As the actual Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread across our country, an emotional pandemic is following quickly behind it. Many people find it exceedingly difficult during these uncertain times to remain calm, as their minds race to think about every bad outcome. The mind is a fragile space, even [...]

Is Clinical Depression Rising Because of COVID-19?

Before the Covid-19 pandemic hit our shores, clinical depression is a common condition affecting millions of Americans. Around one out of five adults struggle with symptoms of depression. Clinical depression is a serious disorder that affects how you think, feel, and even handle daily activities like working, eating, and [...]