If you’re looking for a personalized addiction therapy approach that is a rewarding experience for drug or alcohol abuse, the Counseling Center for Growth and Recovery offers assistance, compassionate help, and addiction services in Delray Beach and all of the surrounding areas of Palm Beach County, Florida. I am a psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker with over 25 years of hard earned experience in helping people overcome their addictions to achieve lasting sobriety and recovery. Your pain and suffering can end today with an individualized treatment plan that is specifically tailored to fit your needs, all you require is the courage to pick up the phone and reach out for assistance. There is no shame in seeking help, only bravery in having the inner strength to seek out the right decisions to improve your life and overcome your substance abuse or alcoholism.

Personalized Treatment For Addictions In Palm Beach County

Why continue to suffer and live a miserable existence in active addiction? We can walk the journey to freedom from the bondage of your addiction, together in one-on-one counseling sessions. In my highly effective methods of substance abuse treatment, you will feel comfortable and at ease in absolute privacy where you are able to let go of the pain and suffering that keeps you from staying clean and sober. As a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience, I will use all of my skills and knowledge to guide you to lasting recovery.

addiction counselor delray beach

Start Your Therapy And Begin Your Journey To Recovery

Together, we will develop healthy coping skills and a relapse prevention plan that you can utilize effectively when you feel cravings or see a trigger for using your drug of choice (or alcohol). My unique methods of drug addiction and alcohol abuse therapy combine evidence-based substance abuse treatment along with a holistic approach for a wholesome plan that targets your mind, body, and spirit for overall healing. I encourage family involvement in your recovery process as addiction is a family disease and affects the dynamics of the whole family unit. I understand the suffering substance abuse has caused not just for yourself, but for everyone around you. I have been helping residents of the Delray Beach area and all of Palm Beach County for years in battling the disease of addiction, substance abuse, and alcoholism. Some addictions do not involve chemical dependency, anything that you’re addicted to that is making your life unmanageable may require professional help and I am here for you and your loved ones, every step of the way. You are not alone in carrying the heavy burden of addiction—reach out for my helping hand and compassionate help. Now is the time to reinvent yourself and be the person you were always meant to be.

Contact Me Now For More Information: (561) 404-1482