Habits. We all have them. Good ones and bad ones. In fact, if one was to step back and look at their own life, they would see a series of habits, particularly behavioral habits. Smoking, swearing, healthy eating, unhealthy eating, being late all the time, being early, coffee, alcohol, quick to fight, quick react and even spending habits. These are all behaviors that for many have literally been programmed into our brains. For some, changing certain behaviors is as easy as putting thoughts into action. But for others, changing bad behaviors is more than just setting your alarm early or thinking thing through a little more. How does one change a behavioral habit?
In today’s modern society, resources for self-help are literally at our figure tips. For a person seeking help to change a negative behavioral issue, all they would have to do is Google “How to change my negative behavior” and they would be greeted with hundreds of suggestions and ideas. Using a journal, hiring personal coach, money jars and even phone apps. However what most people don’t know is the same successful therapy known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (or CBT) that is used to treat depression and anxiety. It’s widely used by therapists and counselors to change your thinking habits and in turn your negative behaviors.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a short term psychotherapeutic therapy that focuses on specific problems an individual is struggling with. CBT can be used to treat issues such as addictions, anxiety, depression, phobias, life stresses, anger management, eating disorders as well PTSD. It is done under the guidance of a mental health professional such as a psychologist, therapist or licensed counselor. This therapy can be done in the traditional in-person setting, on the phone as well on online. These alternative options allow people to seek a solution in the privacy of their own home with times that work for them.
CBT is based on the idea that thoughts as well as perception are a main factor in influencing behavior. The first step is identifying a negative behavior and taking a deeper look into it. The patient and mental health professional then find the underlying thoughts and feelings behind this behavior. While working on each individual issue, the focus remains on the solution. Although each person’s recovery is unique and unfolds differently, the key action taken is always by challenging the thinking.
Psychodynamic Approach
Known as one of the most effect types of talk therapy, CBT is used throughout the world. Other traditional therapies such as the psychodynamic model focus on getting to the underlying cause of a person’s distress. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy takes a different approach by creating new thought patterns that allow a person to form new healthy habits and in turn behaviors. CBT is a scientifically validated approach, and when used under the care of a trained mental health professional, works well with the psychodynamic approach.
With a success rate often reported as high as 75 percent, CBT patients report having a better grasp on rational thinking. With the change of thinking often comes more positive views on one’s self. With this comes higher self-esteem and overall peace of mind.

You don’t have to go it alone
Depression, sadness, anxiety disorders, stress, and worry can make it difficult to find happiness in your life. We all need support at different times in our lives. Most of our clients seek help when their current way of dealing with life’s challenges no longer works for them. With a caring, non-judgmental and solution-focused approach, we will explore your issues and challenges in a safe therapeutic environment at our private practice in Delray Beach, Florida.
We also offer remote online therapy from the comfort and security of home that will allow you to learn more effective ways of managing your anxiety and stress.
Let’s walk the path to freedom from depression and anxiety together. If you’re ready to let go of the sadness, depression, fears, worries, and anxieties that are making life difficult, check out our Anxiety & Depression Support Group hosted the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Counseling Center for Growth and Recovery.